شراب أرجيفيت الأصلي لزيادة طول الأطفال

Libido Enhancement Turkish Macun

ستايل تورك | أرخص أسعار للمنتجات التركية في العالم

Epimedium Turkish Honey (Horny goat weed) is a 100% natural product based on the natural gifts that offer results similar to those of the chemical drugs without any stress or side effects.

The main ingredient of this product is epimedium -(Yin Yang Huo in Chinese), the herb that balances the Yin and Yang.

This Natural Product is Libido Enhancement Turkish Macun


Flowers Honey, Glucose Syrup, Mulberry Molasses, Pollen, Epimedium (0.79%), Carob, Oats, Ginger, Galangal, Cinnamon, Maca, American Ginseng, Nettle, Siberian Ginseng, Ginko Biloba, Red Ginseng, Pumpkin, Iron Thistle, Cola Plant, Nature Identical Aroma (Vanilla), Royal Jelly


1-2 spoon ½ houre before sleep

اقرأ أيضًا:   العطار التركي: فوائد عشبة شوك الجمل

for General Tonics: 1 tea soon at morning and evening

mix the paste well before use.


Keep in cool and dry place out of reach of children.

In Pregnancy and breast feeding consult your doctor before use this product.


Make sure you order the orjinal product from turkattar

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